Do you need affordable housing?

2024 looks promising. We have continued to work behind the scenes looking for any suitable opportunities to develop the much needed affordable homes for local people. There appears to be an opportunity that has potential that has recently been presented to us and subject to due process we hope this will bear fruit in the near future.

We already have expressions of interest for affordable housing from a significant number of individuals and families and we are currently contacting them directly to update information on their circumstances.

We invite anyone with local connections in need of affordable housing to apply to join our housing need register. Having this up to date information will ensure we are progressing provision of the right sort of affordable housing to meet the current local need. At present most interest has come from families and young people, however we are also able to support all residents who may need affordable housing.

Join our housing register here


EBCLT’s AGM was held on 13 June 2023.